Wednesday 15 August 2012

As time goes by.

It would appear another few months have escaped me, I really must try to be more on top of this blogging caper. It probably doesn't help that I possess absolutely zero technical knowledge and seem to spend my spare time lusting after others' pretty blog layouts instead of learning how to make one of my own. 

Spare time seems somewhat hard to come by as one hits actual adulthood (as opposed to the transitional, or 'pretend' adulthood one experiences as a coffee drinking, school-night partying, late night Sex & The City watching uni student) and I must admit, blogging has not been high on my list of spare time priorities. 

Instead, I have been busy...

Catching up with old friends (and forgetting to take decent photos),

eating amazing three course dinners,


being a lady who lunches, 

providing expert commentary on sports I actually know nothing about,

celebrating a gorgeous wedding,

enjoying the beautiful FNQ winter,

becoming slightly obsessed with this girl,

and remembering to show up for work in between.

Oh, and this happened. Yep.

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